Single LED Strip not changing colors

I am using a Grove-Strip Driver with a 12V RGB LED strip with 3LEDs eith

er from a Grove or RePhone kit.
External battery source 12V connected to Strip Driver.

I tried the same code below on my Arduino UNO with Grove hat and it works fine but not on WIO TERMINAL?? . (I changed the pins to D2,D3 instead of 0, 1 for WIO Terminal, However, I did put the WIO Battery and tried D2, D3)
What am I doing wrong?

#include “RGBdriver.h”
#define CLK 0 //2 pins definitions for the driver
#define DIO 1 //3
RGBdriver Driver(CLK,DIO);
void setup()
Driver.begin(); // begin
void loop()
Driver.begin(); // begin
Driver.SetColor(255,0,0); //Red. first node data

Driver.begin(); // begin
Driver.SetColor(0, 255, 0); //Green. first node data

Driver.begin(); // begin
Driver.SetColor(0, 0, 255);//Blue. first node data

Driver.begin(); // begin
Driver.SetColor(150, 150, 155);//Blue. first node data


It’s well worth noting here that if you pick the wrong pin, it won’t work.

#define CLK 0 //2 pins definitions for the driver
#define DIO 1 //3

I was aware of the pin assignments! As I stated in my report, I did change the pins back to the default (D2, D3) [#define CLK 2 and #define DIO 3] and plugging into the proper slot on the WIO Battery. As I said that did not make any difference. Any other ideas? If you have a successful example for the WIO TERMINAL, I would like to see it . Are there any *.h files I need local to the .ino file. Currently, I have the RGBdriver.h.

As I also stated, I was able to make this sketch work on a regular Arduino UNO with Grove hat.

Hi @geschmierer

Did you connect to pin 13 and pin 15 which are the D0 and D1?

I believe so. . I thought that the WIO TERMINAL was meant for GROVE sensors and according to the documentation I read I attempted 2 different methods:

  1. WIO Terminal no WIO Battery, I plugged the Strip Driver sensor into the Grove receptacle to the right of the USB-C (with LCD facing up). I then change the #defines to 0 and 1

Orientation of WIO TERMINAL LCD up, USB-C receptacle facing me:
2) WIO TERMINAL with WIO Battery: I plugged the GROVE strip driver into slot #2 on the right hand side of WIO Battery (receptacle closest to the back Right of WIO Battery Terminal.
Then I changed the #defines to 2 and 3 in the sketch.
Neither worked. LED powered by 12v (6 x1.5) - color never changed

When I plugged the Grove Strip driver into the UNO Grove hat it was D2 with defiines set at 2 and 3 which worked

Just checked, and this grove strip driver needs 5V but Wio Terminal can only support 3.3V:

So for the powering of this module, you may need to use the 5V pin on the back of Wio Terminal to test.

Thank you. That would explain it. I will need to make sure from now on that only 3.3V sensors can be used in the Grove receptacles! For 5V i need to use the GPIO Pins on the back!

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