My project is in Simplicity Studio targeted to the EFR32xG24 Dev Kit and I want to build it to the XIAO MG24. How do i do that?
Maybe Harrison_Seeed may know… ps nice icon! welcome
Hey, have you checked the wiki page? Getting Started with Seeed Studio XIAO MG24 | Seeed Studio Wiki
Hi, the wiki only mentions the Arduino IDE. It would be very beneficial if we could use Simplicity Studio as it is pretty handy on the configuration part.
I haven’t had any luck getting it to interface with simplicity Studio yet. I also find this am obstacle.
i have my MG24 sense in a little rig i printed using a 10 pin ribbon connector (its what i had on hand) and pogo-pins to the “programming interface”, with the dbg1015a connected to it. Though, i still haven’t cracked it. open to suggestions though…
it wont let me embed images… so:
Hi there,
and welcome here…
Yea, keep posting I think 3 or 5 post will get you able to upload pics , etc.
Not to be a smart guy ,but why so many connections ? It’s SWD right , to the programmer?
Looks like you have all the Jtag and SWD connects made ??
You look at the Schematic for the Xiao dev board POGO’s ?
Power from the Programmer/debugger to the device and/or Power from the device to a VDD pin on the JTAG is often needed (fyi) YMMV for Xiao on the Dev-Board and Jlink it’s the second option. for example. (check that)
Nice 3D printed jig too BTW you’ll do well here
Hi there,
So not to belabor the point and I was a tad curious I went and pulled out the Jlink and Connected the Dev board according to SWD specs (4Wires) See photo
Here is the screenshot of the terminal window for the Jlink V7.94e takes about 5ms. to connect
I tried the SI extension for PlatformIO , but didn’t get too far. (660Meg) plus 7 GIG for BLE , no thanks. dev environment is BLOATED on SI! wants an old Cmake, PITA…
NRF_SDK extension runs from the JUMP!
In muy experience if the jlink see’s it the Debugger will work 9 out 10. YMMV
Jlink terminal Session. AOK!
I very much appreciate the feedback…
As both of you noted… lots of wires… but only 5 were connected. the others floating. It was xmas morning when i decided to venture down this road, so i just improvised with what i had on hand. maybe an hour and a half to draft and print the rig, find workable parts, make a couple adjustments. I was bored, what can i say.
The wiring was right… and i did have to test it… then it dawned on me… lets try another board. good thing i have 5 on hand. one of them, junk. probably my fault while fiddling around, but who knows.
however, with your comments… i was able to realize i have been severely overcomplicating this interface for many years.
anyway, simplicity studio sees it. The only reason i am leaning back towards simplicity is that i have several other boards already set up there and don’t get super excited about new ides. though, i appreciate what the Arduino project has done for the world.
thanks again!
oh… i guess i didn’t mention, i did remove one wire as it was, as you noted, not necessary.
What a responses, thank you all! I was enjoying some time off.
If I understand correctly we have 2 challenges:
- how to flash and debug the device
- how to configure Simplicity Studio to build for the Seeed MG24
Challenge 1
It looks like with some soldering or using a Seeed Studio Expansion Board Base, we can attach it to a Si-DBG1015A. When connected, it is possible to see the debugger in Simplicity Studio and flash/debug the MG24? There is no way we can use the existing USB-C port?
Challenge 2
Not sure how to proceed here, will the build be compatible with the MG24 if I use the same config as with the EFR32xG24 Dev Kit?
Thanks again for the responses!
Hi there,
So , a little respite is Good!
Challenge 1 is a Go , the Jlink on the SiDBG1015A is the same as the Outboard one.
as well as Si’s claim of full debugging in Simplicity Studio.
Challenge 2 is a wip…