Simple webserver with Wifi Shield

Hi friends, I want to do exactly this project: … webserver/

However, I have some difficulties, first, I don’t have the same Wifi Module, I have this:

I also noticed that the library provided for Seeedstudio (attached) is not the same that shown in the first URL, I have several questions that, maybe, you can answer, the first is:
Is the library provided for Seeedstudio (attached) sufficient to make the Simple webserver? Depending on this answer I will ask the next question. Thanks in advance. (4.85 KB)

Hi, we do have a new wiki for Wifi shield, it’s compatible with v1.1 and v1.2. Maybe the demos on the wiki can satisfy your requirement.

New wiki website:

Hi Jacket Chen, thank you for your answer, I did as you said, I loaded the sketch
Example 5: Controlling The Arduino Digital Pins From a Webpage (Toggling LEDs From an Webpage)
However, I doesn’t work. I noticed that red LED D1 is always in Fast Toggle (2 times/second), is anything wrong? Thanks in advance.

Dear friends, I’m trying to run the
Example 5: Controlling The Arduino Digital Pins From a Webpage (Toggling LEDs From an Webpage)
Which is here:
I’m able to compile and even the web server gets ready (see attached) but when I try to visit the IP address in a web browser the page is not loaded (see attached)
With this code:

void loop()

{ // the wifi shield has data available
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn on a LED if the if the wifi shield has data available
if(wiflyUart.find(“OPEN”)) // see if the data available is from an open connection by looking for the OPEN string

I notice that wifly.available() always gets 0 because the LED never turns on. What can I do? Some idea? Thank you.
Not available.png

Yes, you’re right, i have even encountered this problem, but somebody may not. I have invited our freelancer to solve this problem, and i would post the solution here after he solve it. Thanks for your patience.


I have watched the video
And I can see that the code works, however, I think that there is some difficulty with the former boards; like I said before, I have the Wifi_Shield_V1.1 which is not the latest board.

I have got a message : please make sure your AP isolation option is turned off in your router. Please have a try.

I made the following changes and it works!!!

The code:
//-------------------------------BEGIN 1--------------------------------------------------
// get WiFly params

wifly.sendCommand(“set ip local 80\r”); // set the local comm port to 80

wifly.sendCommand(“set ip port 80\r”); // set the comm port to 80

wifly.sendCommand(“set comm remote 0\r”); // do not send a default string when a connection opens
//-----------------------------------END 1----------------------------------------------

Was changed for:

//-------------------------------BEGIN 2------------------------------------------------
// get WiFly params

wifly.sendCommand(“set ip local 80\r”); // set the local comm port to 80

wifly.sendCommand(“set ip remote 80\r”); // set the comm port to 80

wifly.sendCommand(“set comm remote 0\r”); // do not send a default string when a connection opens
//-----------------------------------END 2----------------------------------------------

And the code

wiflyUart.print("<script src=“”>");

Whas changed for:

wiflyUart.print("<script src=“”>");

Note the difference “http” and “https”

Thank you so much!!!