I am trying to program Seeeduino Film using the 3.3V FTDI breakout from Sparkfun. The connections are correct:
Film --> FTDI
VCC --> 3.3V
RX --> TX
TX --> RX
More or less I tried while troubleshooting whatever this guy documented at this pretty informative post: forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php … i+settings
The FTDI loopback test works fine, I have tried programming it in different platforms (2 linux distributions, 64-bit Windows 7 and Vista), tried different USB cables, changed serial port settings…
It seems I’m following a parallel road to this guy and his solution worths a try. But I need some advice on it. This is what exactly I am going to do, is there anything strange?
- Upload the ArduinoISP sketch (File>Examples>ArduinoISP) to an Arduino Uno and use it as an ISP programmer, since I don’t own one,
Power off the Uno and connect it to Seeeduino Film like this:
3.3V --> 3V3 (Power Frame)
Uno --> Film
GND --> GND (Power Frame)
MOSI --> D11 (Breakout Frame)
MISO --> D12 (Breakout Frame)
SCK --> D13 (Breakout Frame)
RST --> D10 (Breakout Frame) - Power on Uno, select the correct COM port, set Board type to Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3V, 8MHz) w/ATmega168 and
- from the Tools menu, select Burn Bootloader > w/Aduino as ISP.
Does anybody know if for some reason there is another bootloader needed on Seeeduino and what I’m trying to do makes no sense (unless I upload another bootloader to Uno at step 1)?
Thanks, I hope this will work and save some time for others too if it works.