SenseCAP Watcher Doesn't Send Any Traffic to Node-RED

Trying to step through Node-RED application example but the OpenStream node in the Flow is hung with Connecting status. The credentials appear to be fine (except for the usual eyesight issue with ZERO and OH but flipped these to no avail).

Is there an alternate test that I can perform to understand whether SenseCAP Watcher is able to relay to Node-RED? It seems to detect human movement, so the issue may lie between the SenseCraft Android app (that I’m using) and the Node-RED server in my farm. The Node-RED instance is operational, as confirmed by ad-hoc messages to matching nodes from other tests. (Pity that Seeed did spend a little more elbow grease on an MQTT interface but perhaps went with the more popular interfaces - off-topic, sorry).

What other tests can I perform to determine if there is indeed proper handshake between the SenseCraft mobile app and the Node-RED server? Thanks.


SenseCAP Watcher firmware details:
ESP32 firmware: 1.1.7
AI firmware: 2024.08.16
(these are reported as latest)

Hi there,

So can you verify the Node Red is > v16.17.0
and the Package Management is > 2.15.12
are you using an API key ?

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Hello @PJ_Glasso,

Thanks for chiming in on Xmas day! Appreciate it. :christmas_tree:

Here is the snippet for the versions:

$ node-red --version
Node-RED v4.0.8
Node.js v18.19.0
Linux 6.6.59-v7+ arm LE
$ npm -v

Yes, I’m using “an” API key, but perhaps there are other mandatory parameters too?

I do believe that I have entered the values for the following fields correctly:

  • EUI
  • Organization ID
  • API Key

The device transmits messages (as seen at the Seeed Global server logs), but for some reason the sensecap-config node is unable to read these entries? The PaaS portal has two entries. I created a second entry without a name/label for test purposes, but none of the API Keys cut-and-pasted (to avoid fat-fingering) into the corresponding node properties field to enable the node into Connected mode (as illustrated in the Seeed tutorial) make any difference to the status of the sensecap-config node.

Perhaps, owing to the absence of any entry in the Device Overview section of the Dashboard at the portal, do I need to use Bind Device explicitly even though I do not plan to view the data on a map? Thanks.


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