SenseCAP T1000 Tracker Altitude

From Payload Format | Seeed Studio Wiki it seems only latitude/longitude are available from GPS.
Do you know why altitude is not proposed?
Any firmware upgrade planned to improve that?

Probably due to the limited satellite tracking performed and low power goal. This is true of all GPS solutions. Getting a decent accuracy altitude out of GPS requires longer acquisition time and more satellites tracked (and good signal quality.) I would bet that the LR1110 will not support this given its target audience (and lower satellite tracking count/ time to sample satellite date requirements.)

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I know the device cannot process gps data onboard… it uploads a package of data to the cloud that does the back end heavy lifting compute power and returns the coordinates… this is for low power… and also why Seeed is including an ACTUAL GPS module with the new develoment kits… but yes this is a good idea