Hi, I have installed the sensecap s2120 weather station. And I did some tests to calculate the rainfall in mm. I have set the time interval to 20min. I tried to triggered the bucket once by dripping droplets of water in the gauge. After 20min i received a telemetry, then in the next 20min, i did not triggered the bucket and when i received a telemetry and i got another value. Which will make my hourly rainfall more than the current amount rainfall. How is it possible to have a value if i have not triggered the bucket. Is there anything i can do to remove the garbage value?
I am working with Seeed to improve the rainfall data portion… I also need total accumulation and not intensity in my data logging… as you noted the data reported is the number of tips in the reporting interval converted to mm/hr which can be confusing… as to why a ghost tip… i am assuming it has to do with the mechancs of the tipping bucket… because of the design of the mechinism the bucket is free to tip one way or the other… i am thinking the bucket made an unexpected tip, either by way of a vibration or out of level or sometimes the water in the tip will be half way between and evaporation or spill or vibration will cause the bucket to reset or change its position
how much was the extra value?
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