SenseCAP M2 Multi-Platform on TTN

Good day,

I have a SenseCAP M2 Multi-Platform and am trying to connect it to the Things Network, I am able to get the gateway setup via the packet forwarder but it will not work via Basic Station.

I have followed all the instructions on the provided pdf file located on the product page.

I have the server set as: CUPS Server
The URI:
Authentication mode: TLS Server Authentication and Client Token
The trust file I have copied the entire contents of “cacert.pem” file, located at this link

Can you guide me as to where I am going wrong, there is no response on the TTN end and my gateway light is pulsing red.

Thank you.

Hi there, & welcome,
I see in the wiki the steps may be different here, also I see thins and you don’t mention it in your post having to do it.

Authentication Mode: TLS server authentication and Client token The Things Stack 
supports  TLS server authentication and client token. 
This requires a .trust file and a .key file. .

I have some Lora parts ordered. Need my own LONG range IOT.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thanks for the feedback but the instructions on the wiki are exactly what I followed.

Authentication Mode: TLS server authentication and Client token
The .key file was downloaded from TTN and the information from this file was used in the token field.
The trust file was downloaded from the link provided and the data from this file was used in the “trust” field.

Still will not connect.

Ic, well I think copying them to the same folder would be worth a try.