CANT FIND YOU ON DISCORD? Prolly cause im new to Discord but, Meh… NEED UPDATES!!!
Join the Official SenseCAP MX Community Discord Server!
Official Server for SenseCAP MX products | 24134 members
CANT FIND YOU ON DISCORD? Prolly cause im new to Discord but, Meh… NEED UPDATES!!!
Join the Helium Discord:
[Official Helium Community]
They’re listed as Sensecap under Vendors-Hotspots
Hello, who is your American distributor?
What? I missed the Dragon Boat Fetival?!
Hi. Do you have an official website page ? Couldn’t find anything. Just on twitter and here ?
Hello, Can you share at around how many units Sensecap M1 LoRaWAN Indoor Gateway has been produced? I would like to know if everybody following this new release will be able to get purchase it.
can i buy and use this in Pakistan
Will we be able to order with cryptocurrency once the SenseCap M1’s are available?
Will we be able to pay with cryptocurrency once the Sense Cap M1 is available?
When it’s going to be available?.
Please find this:
Official Server for SenseCAP MX products | 24134 members
A couple of questions
Does the hotspot have a directly accessible diagnostics page or do we only have the helium app diagnostics?
How can we force a stalled Blockchain sync to continue seems some stall at 90 to 93%.