SenseCAP A1101-Convert TensorFlow Lite to a UF2 file

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your help. I have a problem configuring the visionAI senseCAP A1101 camera. After training, I have obtained the file “best_model.tflite” but according to the seeedstudio tutorial in the section “Can I train an AI model on my PC?” in its point “Step 9. Convert TensorFlow Lite to a UF2 file
UF2 is a file format, developed by Microsoft. Seeed uses this format to convert .tflite to .uf2, allowing tflite files to be stored on the AIoT devices launched by Seeed.” and I cannot get that conversion. Is there a tool to convert tflite to uf2? Is this type of extension necessary to be able to insert it into the camera’s storage unit?

Hi there,

So curious if you searched the term “Uf2” ifso there are several results, One I created for the Xiao 52840 but you can convert any hex or Tflow lite or bin file to a uf2 format, It’s a bootloader file format basically. What is the MCU target? I don’t see it ?
Read up on those threads and ask whatever you need. BTW there are many converters out there as well. WEB pages even.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: