Seeeduino v4.2 not showing up as selectable board in ide

Help! I bought several seeeduino v4.2 and optical encoders with plans to use them in a class. When I follow instructions here

I do not see an option to add my board as an option, so that I can select it in board manager, even though the description shows that I should be seeing it. I do see options for other seeed boards. I am using an ubuntu computer but have the same problem with windows.

Please help. Thanks

Hi @steve_g
For seeeduino V4.2 boards, you should use this URL to add it to Arduino IDE.
Open your Arudino IDE, click on File > Preferences , and copy below url to Additional Boards Manager URLs

But for seeeduino V4.2, it is the same as Arduino UNO, you can download the Arduino AVR boards and select Arduino Uno in Tools–>Board.