Hi Florian,
I know it has been some time since you posted I hope you have not given up on your project.
Hopefully you figured it out but if not, I have some info that may help.
Either way, hopefully someone gets a benefit from my info, as I find the documentation very frustrating from Seeed Studios concerning the wifi bee and stalker series of products. Spefically the WiFi bee 2.0 documentation. The Wiki info seemed almost useless to me, and i only figured it out after thouroughly reading the large PDF for WiFly they post in the wifi bee resources.
The WiFi Bee 2.0, as i have found out, is a very frustrating device to work with, especially with the Stalker.
I got a WiFi Bee 2.0 and Stalker 2.3 recently and have been pulling my hair out getting the two to talk.
I found out the only way I could get anything to happen was to first program the WiFi Bee on its own, then program the stalker on its own, then plug the bee into the stalker and power on. Only then could i get communication to happen through wifi from the stalker.
So first thing first, plug your wifi bee in to your UartSBEE v4 with its xbee port. then fire up PuTTy and connect via serial to the com port the UartSBEE provides.
Then you can manually issue $$$ and receive CMD in return from the WiFi Bee. Now you know its ready to configure.
From here, you can run commands to SET/GET/SHOW all the status information you need from your WiFi bee to get it associated with your wireless network, and fine-tune any other settings you need (static/dhcp IP, dns,gateway… sleep timer, remote IP you want it to auto connect to, etc…)
check here for all commands that the WiFi bee 2.0 supports and how to correctly configure it: seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/ … -RN-UM.pdf
once you have your wifi bee associated and you can ping/telnet to it from a computer on your network, you are ready to move to the Stalker.
Now, the one thing i struggled with on the stalker was realising that the only way that is easy to get it to use the wifi bee is to forget all wireless libraries completely, and just make the stalker use Serial.print(); commands to send data over the wifi bee. The wifi bee takes care of translating it to TCP/HTML as configured.
so for example, i just loaded the example Temperature sketch from the Seeedstudios libraries for the Stalker v2.3 ( seeedstudio.com/wiki/Seeedui … #Resources … its the DS3231 libraries), and all it does is Serial.print() a reading from the onboard temperature sensor. Once the sketch was loaded on the stalker, i disconnected UartSBee from stalker, then plug in the configured WiFi bee into xbee socket on stalker, and telnet to the WiFi Bee’s ip-address:2000 (default port for wifi bee, you can change that) and my telnet session was receiving a regular update from the temperature sensor via wifi!
The reason this works is the wifi bee and stalker can only communicate via the stalker RX/TX pins (0 and 1) when its plugged in to the stalker’s xbee slot. However the WiFi bee is designed to just pass-through to wifi anything from serial RX it receives. This is also why you cannot program the stalker or wifi bee while it is plugged in to the stalker.
So at this point, if you get temperature readings from the stalker via telnet, you just need to finish writing a sketch to do what you want and send it via serial.print(), and make sure your WiFi bee is pointing to the system you want to receive the data (look at “SET IP HOST” and associated settings in the document i posted above).
Hope this help you or someone else like me that was frustrated for days trying to figure this out!