Seeeduino Nano not recognized

I purchased a bunch of Seeeduino nano but I can’t get them recognized by my laptop.
I searched around and did everything I could find buy no luck.
I tried different USB ports and cables. The system lists “Seeeduino Nano” under " Other devices" but it has the warning symbol and no drivers installed.
I tried installing the FTDI drivers separately but it does not work. I have the latest Arduino IDE and I added the Seeeduino board manager URL ( but again no luck.
Running on Windows 11.
Any advice?

Welcome… you the same guy from discord?

I wouldnt be surprised if windows 11 might be an issue are you using Arduino IDE?

Nope, different guy.
Yes I’m using the Arduino IDE, latest version. Reinstalled too. It works fine with a Uno R3.

I dont know if any help here…

No I’ve already gone through this…
The yellow LED is blinking, is this supposed to happen? I did not upload anything, it’s a brand new board.

I tried with an Elegoo Nano and it works fine…
With the CH340 drivers