Seeeduino Mega + Wii Nunchuck

I’m trying to read a Wii Nunchuch in my seeeduino mega, but I don’t have lucky. The problem is I don’t receive nothing from Nunchuch, like disconnected it. I have read a lot of sites, but I don’t find the solution. In same places talk about use external wire to connect different ports in mega, like a mega core bug, but really I don’t try this.

Does anyone had the same problem? fix it? solve?

References: … available/

Thanks in advance!


In the references, Arduino and Nunchuch are connected with IIC pin. The IIC pin on the Seeeduino Mega is not the same as the IIC pin on the Arduino. Maybe you can check your wire.


Thanks SQX, I try using this port… wii wmp working fine, but nunchuck is not working… Thanks a Lot!