Hello there i have a seeeduino mega and i want to use the external counters on the device to count some rotary encoders. I have been messing about with code for a few days and no matter what i do it just seems that they just count up all by them selves and seem to count up in a odd way. if someone could help me with some working code that would be great. Here’s what i have at the moment.
void CountersStart()
TCCR5A=0; // reset timer/countern control register A
TCCR5B=0; // reset timer/countern control register B
TCNT5=0; // counter value = 0
// normal mode, wgm10 .. wgm13 = 0
sbi (TCCR5B ,CS10); // External clock source on Tn pin. Clock on rising edge.
sbi (TCCR5B ,CS11);
sbi (TCCR5B ,CS12);
TCCR5B = TCCR5B | 7;
// call this to get the current count for left motor encoder
unsigned int GetEncoderCounterLeft()
unsigned int nReturn;
nReturn = TCNT5H << 8 ;
nReturn |= TCNT5L;
return nReturn;
I have so far been using the pin marked 47 on the seeeduino board as i think this is the correct input pin and i have put this down to ground which should mean the counter does nothing but this has the same effect.
Thank you in Advance!