Seeeduino:[email protected],

I’m seeing this:

Seeeduino:[email protected]
Replacing platform Seeeduino:[email protected] with Seeeduino:[email protected]
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected]
Platform Seeeduino:[email protected] uninstalled
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected], tool is no more required
Uninstalling Seeeduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4, tool is no more required
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected], tool is no more required
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected], tool is no more required
Configuring platform.
Platform Seeeduino:[email protected] installed

Interested in knowing what this addresses :grinning: :crossed_fingers:

Thankyou for commenting
GL :slight_smile:

This is the address of Seeed nRF52 mbed-enabled Boards 2.9.2: