Hi All,
The Grove - MP3 v2.0 modules work with NodeMCU’s, but I cannot get them to work with the Seeeduino lotus cortex M0+. The problem is the MP3 code, it includes the “SoftwareSerial.h” library. But this library is not available The cortex M0+ uses the Hardwareserial.
Even If i don’t include “SoftwareSerial.h” it is a problem, the MP3Player_KT403A.h lib opens the SoftwareSerial.
Any Idea’s? Should I rewrite the Library (it is harsh)?
Thanks a million!
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <MP3Player_KT403A.h>
// Note: You must define a SoftwareSerial class object that the name must be mp3,
// but you can change the pin number according to the actual situation.
SoftwareSerial mp3(2, 3);
void setup()
SelectPlayerDevice(0x02); // Select SD card as the player device.
SetVolume(0x0E); // Set the volume, the range is 0x00 to 0x1E.