Seeeduino Lotus Cortex M0 and software serial


I have a project that requires te use of the 2 hardware serials on the Lotus Cortex (for RS485 and for a Nextion display).

I still need a 3rd serial port for debugging but:

  • [*]as per the documentation, the 3rd hardware port is not accessible (yet?)
  • [*]SoftwareSerial doens't work on the SAMD this achitecture and since it's not AVR I can't find any library that I can add to have a 3rd serial port.
  • [/list]

    Any suggestion?

    Thank you,


    So apparently SerialUSB is defined so I wouldn’t need the SoftwareSerial, although it would be good to know how to make it work.

    So the Lotus Cortex M0 has 3 working serial ports:

  • [*]SerialUSB
  • [*]Serial0 connected to the the Grove UART connector
  • [*]Serial1 connected to the pins 1 and 2 of the Arduino breakout connector.
  • [/list]

    The wiki doens’t mention the SerialUSB port at all.

    It would also be nice to have support for the remaining unused UART connected to SDO as mentioned in the Wiki.