Seeeduino, I2C, and Wii nunchuck

I tried to connect Seeeduino with wii nunchuck, and I seem to be doing something wrong. First, are any pins connected to I2C SCL/SDA or are they only available on that I2C line of 6 spaces without a header?

Hi taw,

The I2C SCL/SDA are free connect .

They are available on that I2C line of 6 spaces without a header.

And also available on analog4 & analog5.



OK, I got it.

I don’t know if I’m doing anything wrong, but it only started working when I added independent 10k pullup resistors to Vcc in addition to the builtin ones.

Vcc from USB is around +4.7V, so somewhat lowish, might that be the reason?
