Seeeduino Frame or Film for Video Playback?


I am trying to make a hat for my little bakery and I want to put a screen in it but as you know limited space and needs to be thin/lightweight and cheap.

Is the Seeeduino Frame (Sewing) able to do video or photo slideshow playback? If yes, what would I need to do so (with LCD/TFT/AMOLED/OLED SCREEN)?

Could I use the Seeeduino Film and if yes, what would I need to add to it for playback (with LCD/TFT/AMOLED/OLED SCREEN)?

Do I also need to have a operating system or can these boards playback a SD Card file without an OS?

Thank you so much,

sorry , the seeeduino or film itself is not able to do the job you mentioned.

Anything equivalent that is small and can do video playback?

Well, we need to find out the alternate solution to your issue but i guess what we were specialized in we are not able to give any proper suggestions for your issue…

You can use OLED frame for it, … th=163_167

The rendering rate is very limited, you might need a different MCU or the programming will be very tricky. Vector drawing would be much better if fits your needs too.