Seeeduino Cortex M0 Not Showing Up in Ports

I tried to upload an image to the Cortex-M0, but selected the wrong board by mistake. The upload appeared to take, but now I cannot connect to the board at all - it doesn’t show up in Ports, even though I have all the files downloaded, etc.? I see this is a common problem.

All the solutions out there say I need to buy ANOTHER board to fix the dead board I have. How can I fix this board and get it talking again?!

If I have to buy a board (not happy about that idea), I don’t understand the pinouts. I am following the guide: but there is no clear information on how to connect the boards. There is no SWO or CLK pins on the Cortex-M0+. Also, in the example you provide here:, there are 5 wires while in the first tutorial there are 3. Do I need 5 wires or 3? What are the specific pins I need to connect to? I am completely lost by the “step-by-step” instructions. I am completely new to this and am completely frustrated.

@AEN According to the wiki, if you use an SWD connection, 3 pins are enough.

Thanks for finding that, I must have overlooked it.

Can you help me understand though, Which pins are they referring to with the SWO and CLK?


@AEN It should be SWDIO AND SWDCLK .