Seeeduino ADK Board -- Seeeduino ADK Demo

I have purchased the Seeeduino ADK Booard and the Arduino Sidekick Basic Kit.

The instructions for the Seeeduino ADK Demo required readling the text notes in the jpg image file and also
identify the wiring from that same picture.

Please provide a table with the breadboard holes and/or the main board pin connection for each jumper wire and/or component.
I am just learning so the table below might be a good format.
Use the best method that clearly communicates the details to be successful.


Black Jumper # 1. A27 GND ConnectorX
Red Jumper # 1. A28 5Volts ConnectorX

My vision is not very good and It is difficult for me to read the image text and identify the jumper/component interconnections.

My e-mail is [email protected].


Sorry for the inconvenience brought. I’ve uploaded a more clear picture for connection instructions.
Please check here:

Best Regards,