Seeed XIAO ESP32C3 only runs programm when connected to PC

Hello :smiley:
I am using two ESP32C3 and both only run the programm when I connect them to my PC. When I use the 3,3V Input via a normal power supply the program does not start. And when I’ve disconnected the board for a long time it is not enough to only connect it again. I have to upload the same code again to make it run. Both boards show this behavior. Any advice?

Try using one of these boards to connect to power

Ensure that the power supply you are using provides a stable and sufficient 3.3V output. Unstable power supply or voltage drops could cause the ESP32C3 to malfunction or fail to start properly.

  • Double-check the power supply’s voltage output using a multimeter to ensure it consistently provides 3.3V.
  • Consider using a different power supply with higher current capacity (mA) to ensure it can handle the power demands of the ESP32C3.

If your Seeed XIAO ESP32C3 board is only running the program when connected to a PC but not when powered independently, there could be several factors contributing to this issue. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to address the problem:

  1. Power Source: Ensure that the power source you are using to independently power the XIAO ESP32C3 board is supplying the correct voltage and sufficient current. The board’s power requirements should be specified in its documentation.
  2. Power Wiring: Double-check the wiring of your power source to the board. Make sure you have connected the power pins correctly and securely.
  3. Voltage Regulator: If you are using an external power source, ensure that any voltage regulator (if required) is properly connected and functioning. The board may require a stable voltage level to operate correctly.
  4. Battery Power: If you are using batteries, make sure they are charged and providing the expected voltage. Check for any issues How to stop hiccups with the battery holder or connections.
  5. Firmware or Program: Verify that the program you have uploaded to the board is designed to work in standalone mode without relying on a USB connection for power or communication.
  6. USB Power Settings: It’s possible that your program behaves differently when powered via USB versus an independent power source. Check if your program has any conditional statements or settings that affect its behavior based on the power source.
  7. Check for Hardware Issues: Inspect the XIAO ESP32C3 board for any visible damage or loose connections. Sometimes, physical issues can affect the board’s performance.
  8. External Components: Some projects may require external components like capacitors or resistors for stable operation. Make sure you have included any necessary components based on your circuit design.
  9. Debugging Output: Add debugging output (such as print statements) to your program to help diagnose any issues that may be occurring when the board is powered independently.
  10. Update Firmware: Ensure that the firmware on your XIAO ESP32C3 board is up to date. If there are any firmware updates available, consider applying them.

If you’ve tried these steps and are still experiencing issues, it may be helpful to consult the documentation for the Seeed XIAO ESP32C3 board or seek assistance from Seeed’s customer support or community forums. Providing additional details about your setup and the program you’re running can also help others assist you in troubleshooting the problem.

I just realized the XIAO Expansion board can power the SAMD via the 5v pin, but the ESP32 Xiao does not accept power this way, so the expansion board is useless to power this processor, and the current expansion board does not have bottom pins to energize the esp32 Errr… what da?