Seeed Studios Grove I2C Mux TCA9458A: Library

Here is my simple request:

Seeed provide a software library to support this device; its available for download from the Wiki via this link:

In that form; it is not possible to add the download into ‘platformio.ini’ allowing it to be automagically downloaded during the build stage of a project; and allowing updates by the developers to be included.

If the library were to be made available via the GITHUB repository then it could be more easily utilised. As it is, if Seeed decided one day to change the location of the file then the above link would be broken.

Please consider this easily implemented request.

Hi, you can use the file here

Thank you !

But…. The repo is not visible under limengdu ….

Does it have ‘public’ attribute ?

sorry I forgot the question, it should be visible now

Yes. Confirmed. Thanks again.