Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 BLE/Sense doesn't actually support Micropython?

The page for the XIAO nRF52840 BLE/Sense mentions Micropython support prominently, in several places. A company representative said support was in the works in a thread over six months ago. But I’ve searched the codebase, and though I may have missed something, it doesn’t look like there’s any activity. I can’t find a board config, or a waiting PR.

Will support be available anytime soon?

Is there any way someone like me, with time, some experience with the Micropython codebase, and motivation, could help? I bought several of these for immediate development, and I’m not looking forward to porting my whole codebase to CircuitPython.

Until support is available, would it be fair to ask that Micropython support be removed from the product advertising, to help others avoid the situation I’m now in?

Thank you!

Hi, Sir,
First of all, we are sorry for the delay in supporting XIAO nRF52840 micropython. Please allow us to make the following clarification.
1- Progress synchronization: The BSP file for XIAO nRF52840 micropython is now complete and we are doing the OLED library support now.
2-Expected release time: We will submit to micropython official github in the near future, it is expected to be completed by the end of August or early September.
3-What’s more: We have also done the micropython support for XIAO ESP32C3. This time we learned our lesson, we didn’t mark it on the page before micropython supported, so as not to cause similar troubles to users.

Thanks for your support.

Thank you so much for your answer! That’s all great news. Is there a way to get access to the currently available codebase? I don’t need OLED support, but if bluetooth and the microphone are functioning, I could start development now. (If this is possible, I understand I couldn’t expect any support.)

Thanks again!

I consulted with the engineer and he still said please be patient, they want to deliver the most complete library to our users at the end, not a half-finished product, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks! As a software engineering professional, I understand the hesitation to ship an incomplete product. I hope you’ll excuse my persistence. I would ordinarily be happy to just wait, but I have only a few weeks to finish this project. The official release will be too late, even if it happens on the earliest estimated day.

Would you please consider providing just a zip of the board definition? It sounds like that’s in its final state, and that’s all I need.

Thanks again, and thanks for your work bringing Micropython to these boards!

I’m really sorry, but my access only goes so far. If you do need it, you can try contacting the tech support email to try to communicate, if that’s negotiable.

Thanks! I’ll try that. I appreciate the help!

Microypthon support for the XIAO nrf52840 is available since a few weeks. Firmware images are available on the MicroPython download site MicroPython - Python for microcontrollers

That’s great news! Thanks for being proactive in letting me know. I really appreciate it.