Seeed Studio Base Shield v2.1 and Arduino Uno Rev4 WiFi compatibility

I have the following set:

  1. Arduino UNO Rev4 WIFI
  2. Seeed Studio Base Sheild v2.1, voltage set to 5v
  3. Grove-LCD RGB Backlight v4.0

I use the library: Grove - LCD RGB Backlight by Seeed Studio version 1.0.2. I’m using sketch with “Skechbook_Starter_KitV2.0” from the Grove_RGB_Backlight_RGB folder but nothing works. In the top row of the display, a slight darkening appears where the characters should appear (you can see the positions of individual characters).

Is this a problem with the Uno Rev4 or some other? The base shield and Display Grove come from the unused Grove Starterkit V3, so they tend to be functional. With other components, Base Shield works.

Browsing through different versions of the rgb_lcd.h library, I noticed that depending on the version, different values of I2C addresses appear, e.g.
// Device I2C Address
#define LCD_ADDRESS (0x7c>>1)
#define RGB_ADDRESS (0xc4>>1)
Maybe that’s the problem? I don’t have another I2C device to check if the bus is working…

Can anyone help or direct something?