Seeed should not promulgate statements that violate the laws of physics!

The following text is in the footer of Seeed Wiki pages and it is seriously misleading;

“A 2.4 GHz wireless signal travels a longer distance at lower speeds, while a 5 GHz signal provides faster speeds at comparatively shorter range”

In both cases the signals travel at the speed of light (divided by the refractive index). The refractive index of air is slightly different at these two frequencies, but the difference in speed that results is very very very tiny. What the person who wrote this was presumably talking about was the data rate?

Tech companies should not make ambiguous statements like this!

“Ye cannae break the laws of physics, Captain!” (Scotty to Captain Kirk)

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Extremely sorry to make you confuse. I take the fullest responsibility to apologize for the statement I wrote in the footer of Seeed wiki pages, which states:
“A 2.4 GHz wireless signal travels a longer distance at lower speeds, while a 5 GHz signal provides faster speeds at comparatively shorter range”

You are indeed correct about the physics related to travel speeds. However, what I meant to highlight here was the data rate. The corrected statement would be:
“A 2.4 GHz wireless signal travels a longer distance with low data transmission rate, while a 5 GHz signal provides a high data transmission rate at comparatively shorter range”

I will correct this mistake on the footer and would like to apologize again for the mistake. Also, I would like to appreciate you for pointing this out.



Its very rare in this world for people to admit their mistakes so well done, nearly all who admit mistakes are from a technical background 80/20…

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