Seeed logistic system

I really like the products from Seeed. But the logistic is so bad - terrible - unbelievable abysmal. The support is always the same:

Could you please tell us the problem you encounter? We will try our best to help you. Providing a screenshot to us will be highly appreciated. Thanks for your support.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thanks.

I don’t know where are the parcels and the Logistic-System is unable to handle my two addresses

Hi Jauch,

Thanks for your message, we’ve checked with customer support and it seems they are working with you to track your parcels. We just checked again and the latest parcel has been signed for today.

After the upgrade we noticed some bugs in the tracking system and the IT team are still working on squishing them. In the meantime, please copy the tracking number to to find accurate tracking information,

Thank you so much for your understanding!.