Seed XIAO ESP32-S3

This website hints that the Seed XIAO ESP32-S3 can be used with MicroPython but gives zero guide how to.
Does anyone know how to achive this? Which MicroPython build (bin or u2f) should be used and how to put the device into bootloader mode?

Or is MicroPython a planned support and it will come in the future? Is there a plan for a CircuitPython port as well? (I would prefer CircuitPython over MicroPython.)

With trial and error this seems to be doing something: MicroPython - Python for microcontrollers

MicroPython v1.20.0 on 2023-04-26; ESP32S3 module (spiram octal) with ESP32S3
Type "help()" for more information.

Haven’t made any tests yet.

Serial port baud rate seems to be 9600.
To enter the bootloader mode press and hold down the teen- tiny boot button that is further from the red led. Then press the button close to the red led then release the first button.

Is there a CircuitPython port planned?
I have to rewrite a lot of my libraries and code because of the differences :frowning:

How is that an answer to the question: “How to install MicroPython on Seed XIAO ESP32-S3?”
That is an answer to the question: “How to use Seed XIAO ESP32-S3 with Arduino IDE?”
Arduino is C/C++, MicroPython (and CircuitPython) is close to python. Different programming languages…

I’m also looking for the micropython firmware for xiao esp32s3 sense board.

As far as I can see from the following link, micropython and circuitpython are not supported on xiao esp32s3 and sense.

Please let me know if you find out how to use the camera and microphone with micropython on the esp32s3 sense board.

Hi Olibali,
From what I have seen here there isn’t any support for Circuit Python or even the Micro Python. They seem to be fast and loose with the specs and compatibility stuff here. YMMV. The answers are some time so basic they don’t address the issues. Other Users However may know more, also Adfruit may provide some info if you post over there what issues your having or info you need to know. Lots of smart folks here and there.
GL :wink:

its a good :smiley:fast and loose with the specs and compatibility stuff here. YMMV. The answers are some time so basic they don’t address the issues. Other Users However may know more, also Adfruit may provide some info if you post over there what issues your having or info you need to know. Lots of smart folks here and there.

The MicroPython application for the Xiao ESP32-S3 is now available. Please check it out.