🎅 Season’s Greetings and a Merry Christmas... What r u thankful for?

Hi There,
I’d like to take a moment to extend the warmest Season’s Greetings and a Merry Christmas :santa: to everyone out there, wherever you may be! :christmas_tree::sparkles:

To all my fellow Seeeders: thank you for your incredible work. :man_bowing: Your dedication and innovation never fail to amaze me. Despite what must be a heavy workload, you continue to uncover and share the best in technology for makers and builders worldwide. :raised_hands:

Please keep up the fantastic work! :blush: Seeed Studio is truly fortunate to have such talented and passionate individuals as part of its team. :star2:

Kind regards, PJ Glasso :v:


.and the Second Part, I’m Thankful there is still a place that Tech is #1 :+1:
@cgwaltney :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:and don’t say yours is "not having to read my post over the long break "… :grin: :v:

Peace and good tidings… :pray:

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I am thankful for Monkeyface, and Sharkface, and Citric and Kevin, and Harrison… and I almost forgot MountFuji (msfujino - The Technical Master!) and all the others that dont get on here.

I look forward to getting up and checking the forum for troubleshooting.

The old murphy’s law says anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!

Truly I am thankful to be a part of this Forum, I am thinkful i found Seeed in a Radio Shack, I am thankful for the Internet that connects us, and I am most of all Thankful to Be alive today, and to be in this amazing time when we can have access to this technology that I dreamed of as a kid 30-40 years ago, and that my forefathers could have never dreamed of!



Post some images from your location!

There ya Go…

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

lol… i wasnt talking about you!.. lol but thanks for sharing… nice bumper sticker

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Did anyone else get a nice haul from the North Pole!

Merry Christmas! Our office is glowing with festive decorations🎄


I love yall office! i never seen in person but seen many times on livestream!