RPI Relay Board Address of I2C changes after a couple of hours / minutes

I bought a https://www.reichelt.at/raspberry-pi-shield-relais-board-hls8l-dc5v-s-c-rpi-shd-relais-p191280.html?PROVID=2788&gclid=CjwKCAjw4MP5BRBtEiwASfwAL7Ep5wr-tlgHykD-u1LtgOwhoQmjQV_ftsMHetkhSvMd_JaG52scgBoCIi8QAvD_BwE&&r=1
RPI Relay Board - 4 relays on it - switched the address to 0x27 with the jumpers
The relay works fine I can switch on and off - but after time x the address of the board changes during runtime!

of course all my programs error in error 121 remote i/o error as the address is wrong - if I change the programming to use address 0x21 it works again -> after time it suddenly has 0x27 again
what is going on - do you know what causes the board to change its address?

Yes, we also found this problem, this hardware is defective in some functions.We can provide a DIY approach to fixing it manually.

Hi Baozhu
can you send me the fix - I need to check if I can do this… will there be a new relay board available which has the fix already built in?

Can you post the fix here or where do I find it?

Sorry for not replying you in time. I will ask the electronic engineer to send such a solution right away.

Hi @Mark0Mi
Here is the fix that you can refer to.


Hi there,

i’m having the same problems!
So i tried to fix the problems with your solution.

Could you please send the schematic diagram for Modification 1 and 2 because they are very hard to see on the photo.

Thanx in advance