Round display not working with all xiao modules

Hi there,
You need to post your compiler output, first 3 lines.
Did you use BSP 2.0.11?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

It looks like Arduino is using BSP 3.0.2 which is the latest package.
How do I load an older version.
I have c:\users\bill\AppData\Local\Arduino\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\3.0.2
Can clarify what you mean by"You need to post your compiler output, first 3 lines.

Hi there,
Letā€™s keep it on one thread ā€¦ I posted the screen shot, pull the arrow down to get other choicesā€¦

Thanks for response.
I installed BSP 2.0.11, TFT_esp32 2.5.22 and lvgl 8.3.4.
All the programs compiled OK on the SEEED_esp32s3 with the round camera. I had problems downloading; at one point I downloaded a program(can,t remember which one) and I kept getting failure to download errors. I tried all the reset procedures to enter BOOT mode and I finally downloaded the BLINK program( which is step #3 in the recovery procedure); now everything works. I guess the BLINK was able to overwrite the offending program and return the esp32se to workable mode.
Thanks for your help
It seems a bad policy to have to roll back the config files to a year old point in time; is this ever going to get resolved??

Thanks again

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Hi there,
Sounds like it wrote over the bootloader area or some other boundary, the blink just straightened that out.
Actually it will work with the current ones, Itā€™s not within Seeedā€™s control , all the LIbraries you are using are third party and some go there own way later in development as to what stuff they support on the ESP chips. Once you have it working , try switching to newer BSPā€™s and Updated TFT_eSPI lib. If you set the user configs correctly youā€™ll get good results.
Heck I 'm just glad it WORKSā€¦ :+1: :smile:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

ie. the Xiao Nrf52840 works with them all BTW

Hi there,
Sure, good stuff :wink::+1:
When you run a compile it outputs the Steps itā€™s taking, If you have the ā€œVerboseā€ tick mark set in the config/preferences for the IDE. From that the first three lines of output tell you which ā€œBSPā€ it used.
The last 20 or so the LIBs it found and applied to the build process , as well as the files and names it creates for them along with the flash regions they are written to. itā€™s a LOT of good info but you wonā€™t know it unless you study more.
the old adage comes to mind, ā€œGarbage IN , Garbage OUTā€
Use the Board MAnager to select the right BSP and recompile , then look at the output for any errors or versions that are different from the examples, often that will give it away. the SD card stuff and the Adafruit stuff is notorious for that. COmpiler output is the key first step in troubleshooting any of this stuff. PERIOD!
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Donā€™t forget to mark the post that suggested the fix with the solution so others can find it.:v: