GC9A01 and Xiaio esp32

HI there, NO… You don NOT have the correct BSP loaded.its says so above.
So in arduinoIDE which version are you using.?
Open the Boards tab, type in ESP
You’ll see the choices, pull down the carret to 2.0.11
let it do it’s thing and run the compile AGAIN… and paste the first 3 lines from the output. back here.
These are basic concepts, so you better be able to do as instructed or it will be harder to learn how it works.
Post any questions you have about the specifics and I’ll walk you through it. It’s NOT rocket science but more a procedure of steps.
You have the ALPHA BSP loaded now which doesn’t work with anything OLD at All. FYI.
GL :slight_smile: PJ
check the red arrows first, once you have that, then the GREEN apply OPEN the EXAMPLES for the TFT_eSPI and select diagnostics from the menu, LOAD up the READ_USER_SETUP.ino and compile and run it. Paste the output from the serial port it generates Like the screen above.
GET going,