Round display for XIAO don't show anything

I’m having problem with round display for XIAO.
I’m using Xiao ESP32S3 sense, and every time I upload a sketch from Arduino IDE, it uploads correctly,
but when I turning on the display, it doesn’t show anything (but you can see a little bit of backlighting).
Can anyone help?

what software are you using?

Arduino IDE for coding and uploading

Hi there,
What code are you using?
Which BSP of the ESP32S3 (the latest is 3.0.2 ) but 2.1.4 and .7 work I know.
also you need to use Specific versions if using the TFT_eSPI.lib
Check the threads and compiler outputs for which one, WiKi too!
has the info on it. You edit a config file and Bob’s your uncle.
You can provide more info and you’ll get more comments with helpful suggestions as to what to do.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

search up top for Round display you’ll see my posts of different possibilities, it works good. :+1:

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I used code from seeed studio site “Getting Started with Seeed Studio Round Display for XIAO”. I will try with different versions of library’s.

Hi there,
Yes, Use the specific ones in the WiKi links and you’ll be fine.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

But can say exacly which version of libraries schould I use?
On Seeed Studio site is written “download the latest version TFT_eSPI and LVGL libraries”

The code system for the tft-espi is very complex… you need to read very carefully and several times to get what they are saying in the wiki

Look for file called User_Setup_Select.h in tft_espi folder in library

look in the file with text editor
inside the file look for line

//#include <User_Setups/Setup66_Seeed_XIAO_Round.h> // Setup file for Seeed XIAO with GC9A01 240x240

it is about half down… it is setup number 66

take away the // from this line… and find the other #include and put the // in front of that one

that turns on the seeed setup and turns off the default setup… you need to only turn on one setup at a time and save file and recompile and upload

turn on means take away // turn off means to add //

When downlanding from GitHub - limengdu/Seeed-Studio-XIAO-Round-Display-lvgl8.3.5,
it is already done :smiley:

it should work then…

i still would like to know exactly what was broken in the update of the tft_espi and have someone fix it… What Da?

Hi there,
All the library’s have a libraries property file. that tells you along with the Keywords supported all you need to know to get started.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

it’s NOT rocket science , but requires reading and following directions to edit the file.
You can handle it, no problem. :+1: also have a look at the example posts on here.

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