I got my reTerminal running ZynthianOS (latest stable: 2021-09-25) I had to ‘tweak’ the reTerminal.sh script of the GitHub - Seeed-Studio/seeed-linux-dtoverlays: Device Tree Overlays for Seeed boards repository to reinstall drivers, but I managed to get all up and running (touch, the Hifiberry ADC/DAC and the LCD), but screen orientation is not ok. The reTerminal boots in portrait mode and I cannot get it to rotate, I tried a lot of options/switches in the boot config, but nothing worked for the rotation.
Rotating the console works, however, using this command:
echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/rotate
If I look in the Xorg log file I see that eventually the screen used is /dev/fb0.
Using xrandr gives me “Can’t open display”.
I also needed to comment out the dtoverlay for the reterminal-bridge in the /boot/config.txt to be able to have it boot into the Zynthian UI.
Any idea on how to get the screen rotated? I know my way around Linux for a bit, but I’m not an expert on this stuff…