ReTerminal DM screen occasionally not waking up after blanking

The ReTerminal DM hardware is a perfect fit for our application but we keep running into one issue. We have screen blanking enabled and every once in a while the screen doesn’t wake up. Just this morning I did a fresh install of the latest Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm 64bit) and did an apt update & apt upgrade. Then I installed the Seeed dtoverlays. I’m only running our PWA (Blazor) app on Chrome ( I also have SSH, VNC & screen blanking enabled). This evening it wouldn’t wake up. The back light comes on but nothing on the screen (I tapped the screen a bunch of times in a bunch of different places). After a while the backlight went back off. Then after touching the screen again, it came back on normally. We have a couple units in the field and it happens a couple times a month to those as well. SSH’ing into the device and doing a “force on” isn’t an option. If we have a thousand of these in the field, that’s an average of over 60 times a day our customers will encounter this issue. This will reflect badly on us. Has anyone else seen this issue? Is there a fix I’m not aware of? I’m desperate because this hardware is perfect for us in so many other ways. But we can’t use it with this issue.

Been seeing the same issue, tried doing an auto reboot nightly and no luck

Hi there,
I’m curious if this is related to the 64 bit version only?
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: