Respeaker MicArray V2.0 Jack wiring


Let me define the connection Jack this way

1-the tip

2-first ring

3-second ring

4-the body or shield

Using a continuity checker seems that 3 and 4 are connected together and to GND (the body of the nearby USB connector)

I connected two speakers in this way: one between 1 and 3 and the other between 2 and 4. They work.

The doubt I have arises from the audio codec data-sheet. This document shows that Speakers shall be connected BTL way, i.e. to positive and negative output of each channel, not to GND.

Where am I wrong?,

There is something (I do not know) between jack pins and speaker outputs of the encoder?


Angelo M

hi Angelo~

Please refer to below schematic. Hope it can help.