ReSpeaker Lite with XIAO_ESP32S3 on other board/IDE?

Hello, I’m working on new ReSpeaker Lite with XIAO_ESP32S3 and get few basic question that are not on FAQ.

  1. Does someone make it work on PlatformIO ?
    1. Can share a config file / project ? It works on Arduino IDE
  2. How to connect another ESP32-S3 on I2S ?
    1. What is the ping number on the board ? Is it the way to connect another ESP32 to i2S ?
    2. I want to connect an ESP32 Camera from Lilygo
    3. Is there specific code (in the sample) related to XIAO ?
  3. The sketch streams-i2s-tflite.ino do not compile after installing tflite peripherals.h:61:2: error: #error "unsupported board"
    1. Where can I find the code for Voice Assistant System for Home Assitant ? I’d like to do the same mechanics
    2. Why HomeAssistant use openWakeWord where TFLite can / should perform the WakeWord.
      1. I’m looking for a sample like streams-i2s-tflite.ino that will send all the full audio buffer IF the wakeword match like communication-mqtt-send if someone can help it seems a basic Google/Alexa usecase?

Thanks !

PS: there is a dead link in the doc to upload the firmware.

Did anyone get back to you with answers? I’m considering ReSpeaker Lite but am put off by the number of people asking questions and not getting answers. No point in me buying an unsupported board :frowning:

Hi there,

Huh? Maybe it was too new or that post is OLD. Lot’s of info on this here.
“unsupported” WHAT?
Are we reading the same forum? I suggest starting with the WiKi for this Awesome unit, I just recieved a unit in the post a couple days ago and I have in the past answered a few posts on it. So IDK what the sam hill you are saying :face_with_hand_over_mouth:? can you explain?

GL :santa: PJ :v:

keep in mind some, posters want us to DO it for them or provide code reviews… that’s not how this works. :smile: You got a specific question I would ask it, and also e-mail tech support , they are very good. :+1:

Yeah, sorry, yes I do see some feedback from Seeed on echo cancellation.

However I contacted Seeed directly but I’ve not had any response from them so I am currently none the wiser as to if a reSpeaker Lite would meet my needs.

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