Hi all,
i am currently working on some audio stuff with my respeaker, and i was wondering if there is any known and working equalizer software for PulseAudio.
I am running the Debian Distribution on my respeaker core v2.
I already searched the web but i was not able to find anything that works on the respeaker.
Very important for me is that it has to work headless, because i use the headless debian distribution.
Thanks in advance for your help and support!
Hi Peter~
You can try pulseaudio-equalizer, please let us know if it does not work. thanks.
i already tried pulseaudio-equalizer…
When i change the equalizer settings i do not hear any change in the output, so there must be something missing.
Can you please check that?
It is really urgent for me, because at the moment this is blocking my project
Thanks for your understanding and help!