ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT can connect two grove I2C sensors?


I have a Respeaker 2-Mics Pi Hat. It have two grove connectors that are I2C and GPIO12.

I bought two sensors with Grove I2C (Grove - Laser PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor for Arduino - HM3301, Grove - CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor for Arduino - SCD30). Both sensors are I2C.

I would like to connect these sensors to Respeaker 2-Mics Pi Hat.

Is that possible?

Yes you can do that by using Grove - I2C Hub , or you need to do the manaul wiring and make a common GND,VCC, SCL and SDA.

Thank you. I’ll try both ways. I gonna write a result later.

I tested with other I2C sensor .(Grove I2C High Acuuracy Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT35))

1st way is very easy and it works!

2nd way does not work.

I tried followings:

# set i2c on
sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0

respeaker 2mic uses gpio12,13 for Grove GPIO

echo “dtoverlay=i2c5” | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot

set gpio12,13 alt5 and pull up

sudo raspi-gpio set 12-13 a5 pu

check i2c-5 but no address appears

i2cdetect -y 5

Which one is worked and which one is not worked?

Sorry for confusing.

Connecting Grove I2C Sensor using Grove-I2C Hub to Grove I2C port is worked (1st way).

Connecting Grove I2C sensor directly to Grove GPIO port and setting configuration is not worked (2nd way).

I tested on Raspberry PI 4B with ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi Hat.


Thanks for the replay,

may I now the settings configuration.