ReSpeaker 2 Mic Array on Home Assistant

I’m trying to use the mic array on a home assistant raspberry pi (

It doesn’t seem to be recognized by the pi, and I can’t get the driver install scripts working. Seems like the home assistant image is based on alpine linux, so it’s missing some commands, like make and sudo.

I edited the Ubuntu prerequisites, makefile, and buildme to remove every sudo, and got cmake installed, which seemed to allow make to work. But now it looks like I’m missing header files. The Ubuntu prerequisites fail, saying no such file or directory when trying to include linux/params.h and linux/ioctl.h

Any ideas?

Can you share the error log?

The pi os is cut-off operating system
You should use the full raspbian buster, it can recognize 2 Mic Pi Hat

Then install homeassistant supvervisor as docker,

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