reServer no screen output from BIOS on HDMI monitor Lenovo p40w-20

When entering BIOS in reServer i3, no output is detected on HDMI monitor Lenovo p40w-20. It does works with other HDMI monitor (CISCO). Likely some sync signal or frequency is wrong when in BIOS application, is it known problem?

Hi there,
I don’t .
I do NOT think it’s an Rserver BIOS BUG issue, I know this must pain you to hear that(flag), But had you done a quick Google Search, You will see it’s also the case when connected to other systems. So very much on “TOPIC” It’s could be you monitor’s refresh is off or failing to switch DOWN to lower refresh… You even indicate it works with other monitors.

I see other users complained about the “75Hz refresh seemed to have little effect on work use and only works over DP, not TB.”
Enjoy GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

May I ask if you have reinstalled the system? If you want to use the newly installed Windows system properly, you need to install the driver

I believe your answer is off topic, I have opened this thread to deal with problem (bug) in BIOS settings of reServer from Seeed. Can you please remove your comment and move it to correct thread?

This error happens in BIOS settings, there is no Windows, Linux or anything loaded yet. Only BIOS which is on main board of reServer and I believe it is having bug using sligthly incorrect video settings

Hi, I use plain HDMI, I did use google before, do you see any problems/limitations with HDMI input of this monitor? It should obey standard HDMI 2.0 Thank you

Hi there,
What firmware is on it , in the About screen?
I think there is a way to reset it while connected and it should auto detect the rate and adjust.
some units didn’t do this initially.
We had one on a CAD system and it was very frustrating to change resolutions and sometimes it would just not display. the DP connection worked without issue, BTW.
The HDMI was the issue. Crazy thing was it worked with a very long cable?? under 6 feet wouldn’t work, just black screen. as I said we ended up swapping for 4K sammys with a DP connection.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thank you for helping me. I got firmware LG3.3, booted linux (proxmox) is outputting well to the monitor. I will try factory reset tomorrow and see how bios output is shown. Cheers!

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I can confirm that resetting to firmware defaults enabled me seeing bios on the monitor! Big thank you, no more fiddling with cables and another monitor!

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Awesome, Good sleuthing that tricky sucker…
GL :slight_smile: PJ