reServer internal Wafer 2.0mm 8pin power connector pinout and powering from it?

Hi all,

I recently got a reServer i3 1125G4. I plan on using it as a NAS, and saw from other posts that the included 60W PSU is probably insufficient. I’ve found higher wattage supplies, but I was wondering about the internal power connector.

Is it possible to power the reServer from the “Wafer 2.0mm 8pin” header? See the hardware overview below near the upper right:

If so, is it an 8-Pin EPS +12V connection? I can’t include another image, but its as follows:

Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd
12V 12V 12V 12V

with the tab at the bottom.

Thanks in advance for any help!

For the 8-pin Power Connector, its pin information is shown as follows:

Pin 3/4/5/6 is the 12v pin; pin1/2/7/8 is GND

Hi Seraphina,

Thank you very much!

Is it okay to power the board from the header instead of the DC input?

Yes, you can have a try

Great, thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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