Repost: Where is API copied


When the API is copied, where is it copied to - I assume the clipboard? The
app should tell me where it is copied to. How do I copy the clipboard
contents into a Gmail message?

How do I view the updated API information after I have set and tested the
settings for the various devices like the LED string that I am now able to
change via the API? This should also be part of the API description so I can
view it offline until I get familiar with what is being done.

First of all, sorry about the operation make you feel confused.

API URL is a normal website link. It means you can open it on browser (in your phone or send to your PC).

“API copied” means copy the API URL link to clipboard like other mobile App. So you can share it to your PC.

In our plan, all your API URL will appear in (not complete yet).