Hi TestMate.
Yes i tested with an other PC since i’m trying to make a network with Xiao and nRF24l01 so i’m using 2 PC to check the serial communication of 2 device at the same time, and the cables are the same that i have used until now, (and they work with other boards).
The Xiaos just suddenly stop working during an upload, when usually disconnect and reconnect during the board reset, it just didn`t reconnect and was no more recognized by PC.
I also tried in device manager to enable “show hidden devices” and delete all COM ports, but it still does nothing when i connect the Xiao.
All three devices has this behaviour, steady green light on and nothing else.
I have read on this forum that someone has unbrick the Xiao with ST-LINK and OpenOCD, but having the same issue on 3 devices of 6 i suspect that all those boards has some heavy defect and i don`t want purchase accessories for something that i will never use any more.
Of course i will be very happy if i’m wrong.