Relay Shield Controlled by Xbee without Arduino

I’m hoping someone here can help me out. I have a Seeed Relay Shield and an XBee Series 2. I’ve looked all over the internet and this forum to try to figure out how to operate the Xbee on the relay shield. I would like to control the relay shield with an xbee on it, by using another xbee connected to a computer and without the use of an arduino.

The wiki shows that you can do this, but if you go to the code that is provided, it is arduino code. This doesn’t make any sense to have arduino code if you are trying to operate two xbees without the use of an arduino.

Here’s what I have: I have two Xbees communicating through the X-CTU terminal. One is the coordinator the other is a router. They are in AT mode. I can change the settings of the digital IO pins for each Xbee independently without any problems.

What I don’t know is how to change the state of a digital IO pin through the coordinater using my computer to be able to turn one of the relays on. I looked through the code for the arduino that is provided in the wiki, but I don’t see exactly how it is sending the message to tell the relay to turn on.

In a nut shell, how can I use my computer to operate the coordinator and tell the router attached to the Relay Shield to turn the relays on and off?

I have try to use two RFbees to control the state of the digital I/O, then turn one of the relay on or off. They are ok.
Now I share my practice:

I was using the library file: Arduino code the wiki shows. Notes that the library should open by using Arduino 0023.

  1. Upload the demo:RFBee_Slave to one RFBee by UartSBee. Please select Tools ->Board - >Arduino Pro or Pro Mini(3.3V,8MHz)w/ ATmega168 and Correct serial port.
  2. After upload code, Unplug RFbee from UartSBee and plug the RFBee into Relay Shield.
    3.Upload the demo:RFBee_Master to another RFBee by UartSBee … th=132_135. The UartSBee is easy to upload code for RFBee and power for RFBee module.
  3. Then you can hear the relay on and off. Try to change code to remote control relay.
void controlRemoteRelayShield()
	//byte sendBuf[60];
	//set group1 to group3 (relay 1~12)on or off
	static char OnOff = 0;
	OnOff = 1 - OnOff;
	relayCmd[3] = OnOff + '0';
  for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
  	if(i > 9){
  		relayCmd[2] = i - 10 + 'A';
  		relayCmd[2] = i + '0';

I hope to help you!