Rectangular holes in board


I need to design some boards for touch sensors, and they need to be cut inside the pad for back-facing leds. Basically I need rectangular (can have rounded edges) cuts in the board in solid pads, 3 cm long by 0.5 cm wide. Can your service do that?


I need to do this as well, for some optical mouse sensors.

Has anybody done interior milling? Otherwise I suppose I’ll have to do corner drills and cut it out myself somehow… doesn’t sound like fun. I can’t figure out what layer you’d put this on, since there’d be nothing on the silk, copper, or mask layers that would indicate it’s a cut-out and not just an marking or trace of some kind.

They expressly forbid slot holes and linear drill lines.

They forbid slot holes and linear drill lines for separating boards and panelize but I think that they allow it if you need it for your design.

Using Altium and slots, I get 2 holes files: RoundHoles.TXT and SlotHoles.TXT. How do I send them? As separe files?

Thanks a lot.

I also want to have PCBs made with rectangular cut-outs. Round also (ie, circular holes larger than those that can be drilled). In both cases, it is for connectors to protrude through the PCB.

With the other manufacturer I use, I send them a separate Gerber layer showing board outlines as well as internal cut-outs to be routed. Not sure how to do it here, perhaps I would need to put a diagonal cross to indicate each cut-out, which is the traditional drafting method.

Can it be done? If so, how do I indicate where cut-outs are to be made? Is there an extra cost?

Hi there,
Sorry for the later reply,If you want to do solt in your board, the minimum solt width must over 0.8mm, please put the file in board outline layer(NPTH) or mechanical layer(milling). As some customers use Altium to desin ,when you generate the gerber file have 2 drill files, please send the through hole TXT and slot hole TXT togerher to us.
This is the rule of planelizing:

Can I have large rectangular holes inside the PCB?

I want to mount a LCD screen that will pass through the PCB, just like here but the board will also have parts on it: … ?cPath=174