reComputer Industrial J4012 Ethernet Port and External Wireless Adapters Not Working

Hello, I have a reComputer J4012 computer. I upgraded the device to Ubuntu 22.04 using the Nvidia SDK Manager. When I plug the ethernet cable into the Ethernet & POE port of the device, I can use the internet. However, when I plug the cable into the Ethernet port, I see that this port is not working. In fact, this port does not appear in the network panel either. This is the first problem. The second problem is that external wireless adapters are not working. For example, when I connect the Asus N-300 adapter to the computer, the device does not work, but when I check the connected devices with the lsusb command, the device is visible.

I have the same problem, how did you solve it?

Well, NVdia’s SDK Manager generally doesn’t apply to custom carrier boards, reComputer J3011/J4012 used the J401 carrier board made by us (Industrial version has other carrier boards), and we have made our own jetpacks, refer to the link to flash your device with a physical Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 machine (save strength, waste your time using virtual machine or WSL2…)

  • For reComputer J4012
    Flash Jetpack | Seeed Studio Wiki

  • For reComputer Industrial J4012
    Getting Started with reComputer Industrial | Seeed Studio Wiki

  • Follow the guide thoroughly, there might be some versions of jetpacks requires additional operation after you flash/boot your device, that is make a link to your kernel modules and headers (important since many open source drivers required kernel headers to compile), where certain drivers can be loaded. Also, the “sudo apt-get upgrade” command doesn’t apply to custom carrier board either, see Q7- Q9 of Jetson FAQs

  • For USB WiFi adapter, see if your device was supported and additional driver is needed, maybe you’ll need to obtain the driver source and compile the driver yourself.

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