reCamera: Build Vision AI Platform for Anywhere!

reCamera: Build Vision AI Platform for Anywhere!

New Product!

Here is my review of the AI camera recamera from Seeed Studio.

I was very excited about this camera. Within 30 minutes of unboxing I had finished by first program. The camera comes with the Linux operating system and node-red already installed with extra nodes to support the camera.

Compared to the M5Stack Unit V2 M12 or Unit V2, recamera has much more memory - my camera has 64GB compared to the 128MB in the V2 cameras. The recamera’s processors is also much more powerful and can zip along doing YOLO11 on object recognition over 80 classes at 30 frames a sec.

recamera has its downsides is that the recamera is much bigger than the Unit V2 and harder to install on small Lego model such as Robots. It also uses more power and it is very easy to lose your uSD card inside the recamera’s case. But its biggest downside is the way Seeed Studio implemented node-red. This will be explored in the next video.
Youtube: channel: dsrc12

Hi there,

The 64 Gig works great! , You need to update it, also to the latest Node red.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

does anyone here know if it possible to read number plates with this? Can it run opencv and some kind of OCR?

i wish it could… im pretty sure it should be able to be programmed… the Seeed people are on vacation for new years

I would like to put my 64gb wifi on a forklift.

I prefer to use my Nodered platform instead of the one inside the camera, because in this I already receive other data from different sensors installed on the forklift itself.

Is it possible to direct the video before processing on another Nodered server, or is it better to use the RTSP stream?

Hi there,

SO I would think, it’s better to stream the RTSP to it separately.
can you do BOTH? Maybe the Seeed’ Engineers can comment.
I like the Idea though for sure.!
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Just got my 64Gig also, Now I have two Haven’t opened it yet curious if it is better than the Free 8Gig one I won on live stream.