Reaspeaker Core V2.0: How can I flash my own image?

until now I have worked with a 4GB image on the SD card.
The image now runs as I imagine it and would like to flash it to the onboard eMMC.
Is there a possibility?
If so, is there a description of it?
Thank you for your help!

Best regards

Depending on the device and operating system, you may need to use a specific flashing tool or command-line utility to write the image to the eMMC storage. Common tools include “dd” on Linux or specialized flashing utilities provided by the device manufacturer.

Hello Stevegael,
thanks for your answer!
In this specific case, the device is “Respeaker Core V2.0” and the operating system is Debian 10 or 11.
I was hoping there would be instructions on how to get the SD card image into the eMMC storage. I assume that boot entries etc. need to be changed.

Best regards,

Hi there,
I second that, I pretty sure that’s the only way. YMMV
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Maybe you can check this wiki: ReSpeaker Core v2.0 | Seeed Studio Wiki

thanks for your answers!
In the /boot directory there is a file uEnv.txt with a line


If I remove the #, the SD card image will be flashed to eMMC storage on the next boot.
Unfortunately the image doesn’t work correctly.
There are probably still changes to be made in the configuration and this is exactly the information I’m missing…

Best regards,